Schedule 8 of the Labour Relations Act stipulates that “all employers should adopt disciplinary rules that establish the standard of conduct required of their employees.” Discipline should only be used for culpable behaviour, when the employee knows the rules and expectations and is capable of meeting them, but chooses not to.

Discipline should ideally be corrective and not punitive. Dismissal should be reserved for cases where both the employment and trust relationships have been irretrievably broken down or in cases of repeat misconduct. CTL can you provide you with skilled; trained and neutral chairpersons to chair disciplinary enquiries.


Under performing employees can cost you a fortune, firstly because they are not delivering as required and secondly because it will take a huge amount of your management time to deal with under performers.

What is important to note is that discipline is not part of the performance management process; it is about assessing the performance of an employee and correcting poor performance. Our consultants are available to assist you to identify under performers and how to manage the process effectively and efficiently.


Collective bargaining refers to negotiations between an employer and a group of employees to determine conditions of employment, such as wages, working hours, overtime, holidays, sick leave, vacation time, retirement benefits, health care, training, grievance methods, and any rights to business participation.

Given the extended scope of our current client database, we are able to keep updated/current on wage and conditions of employment demands being made by the employee representatives across a wide selection of industries.


Retrenchment is always an unpleasant business to deal with, however over the last few years there has been a lot of economical challenges and therefore businesses have had to venture into the procedure of retrenching as an alternative to avoid closing down entirely.

It is vitally important to ensure compliance and fairness towards both employer and employee when embarking on retrenchments.   CTL will help in assisting in the restructuring of businesses, retrenchments and changes to the terms and conditions of employment for employees in relation to the regulated requirements of the relevant acts.


As a member of a registered Employer’s Organisation, we can represent you if you have any disputes that have been referred to the CCMA, Bargaining Council, Arbitration or Labour Court.  Our elected representative will act on behalf of your business and explain the processes that are involved.


It is in the mutual interest of the employer and its employees to set up and maintain a grievance procedure that is capable of solving employee dissatisfaction.  CTL can you provide you with skilled; trained and neutral chairpersons to chair grievance enquiries.

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  • Unit 5 Bushill Office Park
    Cnr. Christiaan De Wet and Dolfyn Road
    Honeydew, 2040

  • +27 11 794 7928


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